Hey! I’m Debbie. and it’s so cool to meet you.

Over 15 years ago, I was just like you… looking for a way to make money from home.
Then one day, I discovered the awesome world of eBay.
Here’s the short version of that story.
It all started with a mouse.
Yep, the very same mouse… Mickey!
After buying a Mickey Mouse lamp and discovering I could have bought it for half the price on another website, I dove into my curiosity to find that people would buy items and flip them on eBay for 100% or more return on their investment.
It was my big “aha!” moment and the start of a very successful eBay venture that gave me the freedom and adventure I craved.

And as a garage sale nut to begin with, (just like my daddy) this was the PERFECT fit for me.
I tapped into my “sixth sense” inherited for finding deals and sought after collectibles…
then promptly listed them on eBay for at least double the price and celebrated with a “SQUEE!” every time I heard the “ka-ching” notification on my phone.
- This business gives me the freedom to be “mom” on my time and “business owner” whenever I’m available.
- It gives me the money I need to help support my family’s financial needs PLUS extra vacation funds.
- It gives me an adrenaline rush every time I find a treasure that I know will make me a profit and also when it actually SELLS and that profit is realized.

Oh man, oh man… it’s awesome!
And I want YOU to have the same success.
I want you to know the freedom and fun of treasure hunting and making money on YOUR time, YOUR schedule.
So, this is me… teaching YOU.
Whozits and Whatzits was created to give me the opportunity to share my passion and intuition for treasure hunting with YOU… the ambitious dreamer. I’m here to inspire you and help you create your own happily ever after through the lucrative and flexible venture of selling online.

But more than that, I want us to be friends!
But, in order for us to be friends, you probably wanna get to know me a little better.
So, here’s a list of fun facts about me.
And I’m not even gonna lie and say it’s a brief list, because one more thing you should know about me… I’m long winded. I “could talk the hind leg off of a mule”, as my mom likes to say.

So here it goes…
Fun facts about Debbie:
The first thing you should know about me is that I’m a hopeless Disney geek. I’m in love with the parks, the shows and the movies, but I especially love Walt Disney himself. I mean, what a guy!
I’m also in love with music! Any and all kinds of music… I love it all and I listen to it every single day. All. Day. Long. And to my kids’ horror, it’s not at all uncommon to see me shaking my booty and belting out the words no matter where I am.
I love movies and books. If I’m not singing, taping an episode or selling on eBay, you’ll either find me with my nose in a book (like Belle) or at the movie theater with a big ol’ bucket of buttery popcorn (and if I’m REALLY lucky, it’s a Disney flick).
I’m the queen of this Wonderland with a house full of boys. I am married to an awesome man hunk who gave me four… yes, FOUR… boys. And I’m not gonna lie either. I totally wanted a daughter. In fact I remember sniffling in the sonogram room a couple of times (don’t judge). But God had other plans and so here I am the only queen in a house of boy jesters. It’s cool though. The silver lining in this tale is that the queen lets the jesters do the heavy lifting around the house. So, ya know…. I’m living my happily ever after.
This kingdom does have a princess, though, and her name is Daisy. She’s the cutest (even with her underbite) and silliest, most spoiled rotten Chihuahua ever!
Together, we all live in a magical land where tornadoes come to play but never stay, Kansas City Missouri. Smack dab in the dead center of the United States, we get to experience all four seasons and sometimes all in the same day! This is Chiefs kingdom so Lord help you if you live here and don’t like baseball or football. So… I make sure I cheer for the Super Bowl champs. Go Chiefs! (See? I’m good at it.)
I love to travel. I grew up with parents who LOVED to vacation. We vacationed every single year, at least once. And as my mom tells it, I travelled well even as a baby without fussing on long road trips. So, I guess you could say my wanderlust was born in me. I travel A. WHOLE. FREAKING. LOT. I take day trips, weekend trips, long trips, trips to see family, trips to see concerts, trips to eat at specific restaurants… I even went to Vidcon! But my favorite place to go? I’m sure you can guess…. Disney World! And Disneyland (because this gal doesn’t discriminate among Disney destinations). I go at least once a year (but is it bragging to say that I’ve gone several times this year?) Eh, whatever. It’s true, soooooooo…….
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